For about 10 years they have been gradually developing the cultivation of blueberries.
The farm of Ewa and Janusz Andziak has been producing fruit for many years. Both spouses have the PhD title of Warsaw University of LifeSciences, They inferited the farm from their parents who have been running it for over 20 years. In the meantime, the family has grown and now the next generation is growing up, their three children. For many years, the main species cultivated in Wola Żyrowska (Central Poland), where the farm is located, were apple trees and strawberries. For about 10 years they have been gradually developing the cultivation of blueberries. Blueberries are grown on about 10 ha, there are various varieties, so that the fruit is harvested from June to September. Although native to North America, blueberries have rapidly become an important part of Polish culture, cuisine, and economics, with the country now Europe’s largest grower of the fruit, producing over 25,000 tonnes per year. To meet global demand for Polish blueberries, Ewa and Janusz are using a range of sustainable biosolution inputs from Natural Plant Protection-NPP, UPL’s biosolutions focused business unit, to ensure higher yields. They highlight as particularly important our Vaxiplant fungicide, which uses an active ingredient derived from plant extracts to encourage a crop’s own defences, and Asahi SL, a growth regulator that guarantees optimal growth conditions from the beginning of the growing season to the end.
We’re proud to work with families of hero farmers
We should count ourselves lucky that our global hunger for blueberries is being met by farmers like Ewa and Janusz. By supplying us with such high-quality fruit, they’re not just making our taste-buds happy – they’re making our whole bodies happy too. That’s because blueberries are rich in antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, potassium and vitamin C. They can lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, and are also anti-inflammatory.
The sweetest ones with the most sun are harvested in July and it is from them that our sweet delicacies were created. We’re proud to work with families of hero farmers – and delighted to feast on their super fruit.